Our koalas are disappearing. Help us save them.

Koala Clancy's Mission ...

In 2024 Koala Clancy Foundation planted 35,092 trees to save our koalas from extinction, bringing our grand total to 164,789. We’re not just expanding existing koala habitat, we’re creating brand new, climate-resilient forests that koalas can depend on into the future – but we can’t do it alone.


164,789   Koala trees planted since 2016

In the You Yangs and East Gippsland regions, Victoria

4.3 million    Boneseed weeds removed

In the You Yangs. Boneseed weed degrades koala habitat


Membership is the best way to support koalas. Our Members are the backbone of Koala Clancy Foundation, providing regular volunteering, and hands-on and financial support.  Members receive special benefits and experience.  Please renew your membership annually. 


We will keep in touch with updates on our work with Koalas and how you can get involved.