
You Yangs Koala Citizen Science Report 2019

Janine Duffy monitors wild koalas in two areas of the You Yangs Regional Park, Victoria Australia. This is a summary of the 2019 year.

2019 You Yangs Koala report

Area monitored: 28% of the 2000 ha You Yangs Regional Park. Area 1 is 157 hectares. Area 2 is 223 hectares

Koala sightings: 1422 (up from in 2018)

Number of monitoring days: 314 (up from 313 in 2018)

Average per day: 4.53 (up from 4.13 in 2018)

Number of koalas in total monitoring area (Area 1 + Area 2) = 45 individuals (up from 43 in 2018).

Area 1 was home to 13 koalas.  There were 0.08 koalas per hectare in area 1.

Area 2 was home to 32 koalas = 0.14 koalas per hectare in area 2. 

Koalas joeys born in 2019: 6 (compared to 5 in 2018)

Number of breeding females: 23

Birth rate: 0.13 (calculated as number of births divided by total number of animals)
Fecundity: 0.26 (calculated as number of births divided by total number of breeding age females)
Koalas (known) deceased in 2019: 2 (compared to 3 in 2018) Note: this is a minimum figure. Most koala deaths are not found.
Death rate: 0.04 (calculated as number of deaths divided by total number of animals)

Note: an individual is counted if they are known, named & registered (ie seen in previous or later years), or if unknown & unnamed, if they are seen at least twice in that year.

You Yangs Koala Citizen Science Report 2018

Janine Duffy monitors wild koalas in two areas of the You Yangs Regional Park, Victoria Australia. This is a summary of the 2018 year.

2018 You Yangs Koala Research Infographic

Area monitored: 28% of the 2000 ha You Yangs Regional Park

Area 1 is 157 hectares

Area 2 is 223 hectares

Koala sightings:  1294

Up 16% on last year. 

Number of monitoring days: 313 

Average koalas seen per day: 4.13

High months: December avg 5.77 koalas seen per day

Low months: September avg 2.84 koalas seen per day

Days with only 1 koala sighted: 11 (more likely in spring). 

Highest number of koalas sighted on one day: 10 on 14 November 2018

Number of koalas in total monitoring area (Area 1 + Area 2) = 43 individuals (same as 43 in 2017).  

Koalas joeys born in 2018: 5 

Birth rate: 0.12 

Fecundity:  0.28  

Koalas (known) deceased in 2018: 3

Note: this is a minimum figure. Most koala deaths are not found. 

Death rate: 0.07 

More details here: https://www.echidnawalkabout.com.au/you-yangs-koala-research-report-2018/

You Yangs Koala Citizen Science Report 2017

Janine Duffy monitors wild koalas in two areas of the You Yangs Regional Park, Victoria Australia. This is a summary of the 2017 year.

You Yangs koala research 2017 summary

Area monitored: 28% of the 2000 ha You Yangs Regional Park

Area 1 is 157 hectares

Area 2 is 223 hectares

Koala sightings: 1118 

Down 11% on last year. 

Number of monitoring days: 311 

Average koalas seen per day: 3.6

High months: March avg 4.7 koalas seen per day
Low months: June avg 2.2 koalas seen per day
Days with only 1 koala sighted: 14 (more likely in winter).
Highest number of koalas sighted on one day: 14 on 17th November 2017

Number of koalas in total monitoring area (Area 1 + Area 2) = 43 individuals 

Koalas joeys born in 2017: 6

Birth rate 0.14

Fecundity 0.33

Koalas (known) deceased in 2017: 4

Death rate 0.09

More details here: https://www.echidnawalkabout.com.au/you-yangs-koala-research-report-2017/


All koala monitoring is opportunistic and by visual observation only.  Koalas are identified non-intrusively using my Koala Nose Pattern Identification method – once found a koala is photographed and viewed through binoculars no closer than 10 metres away. All monitoring is conducted with Parks Victoria knowledge and approval.

Monitoring is conducted throughout the year, in two areas of the You Yangs.  From 2007 to March 2020 we were out monitoring 220 to 310 days per year.  We recognise over 90% of the koalas we find by their nose patterns.  Any koala that is seen more than once is included in our koala count. Over that many monitoring days, we see nearly all the koalas that live in or visit the monitoring area, so our counts are very reliable. See our Koala Count numbers here: 


This project was funded by contributions from social enterprise Echidna Walkabout Nature Tours and offered freely to land managers, conservationists and the public.  Koala Clancy Foundation uses this monitoring to guide our koala tree planting and weed removal projects. 

For more information about my methods, or to use any of my findings please contact Janine Duffy. president @ koalaclancyfoundation.org.au

Thanks to the Koala Clancy Foundation team, Echidna Walkabout’s Wildlife Guides and tour guests who all contribute photographs, sightings and observations to the Wild Koala Research Project.

Read more and see some graphs here: https://koalaclancy.wordpress.com/2018/11/04/koala-population-decline-in-the-you-yangs-victoria/

You Yangs Koala Citizen Science Report 2016

Janine Duffy monitors wild koalas in two areas of the You Yangs Regional Park, Victoria Australia. This is a summary of the 2017 year.

koala research infographic You Yangs 2016

Area researched: 28% of the 2000 ha You Yangs Regional Park.

Area 1 is 157 hectares

Area 2 is 223 hectares

Total koala sightings: 1265

up 5% on last year.

Monitoring Days: 307

Average number of koalas seen per day: 4.1

High month: March average of 4.7 per day.
Low month: May average of 3.3 per day.

Number of koalas in total monitoring area (Area 1 + Area 2): 38 

Number of koala joeys born in 2016: 6 (highest ever)

Birth rate: 0.16

Fecundity: 0.32

Number of koalas found deceased: 3

Death rate: 0.08